Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I'm not one to post many reviews of stuff I DON'T like, but in the interest of saving people from certain distress I feel I must post this.

My fiancé is quite the coffee addict, springing for a cup first thing in the morning every day he can manage to get it. I go in cycles of addiction to caffeine, where I am hooked for awhile then I break the habit in favour of things like peppermint tea and lemon water...then I'm right back on the crack again.

Needless to say, we've done a little experimentation in the field when it comes to feeding the addiction.

J has used Java Juice for a few trips now, and likes to say he's a fan. He adds cold water and sucks it down like it's any regular cup of coffee. I ran out of my (preferred) PG Tips on a recent trip of ours, so I thought I'd try this "magic" stuff.

HOLY MOLY. I couldn't do it. I could not even fake it in the name of addiction. I know I've had more bitter liquids in my mouth, but the only thing springing to mind is a bitter liqueur I once tried in San Francisco…and I will still say the Fernet tasted better.

For the record, I tried the "French Vanilla" flavoured juice, and did not have the luxury of creamer. Maybe if I dosed it with a lot of milk product it would begin to taste more palatable to me? Not sure I'm willing to try…Folgers makes some instant coffee singles that I've heard are pretty good. In the meantime, I'll better plan my tea rations!

Please note: I do like coffee, just not this stuff!


  1. Our buyer got some samples of those. He, too, is not a fan.

    I use a jetboil with the french press top. I like good coffee, even in the woods.

    I've also gone the Cowboy Coffee route: 1) Put water in a pot, add coffee grounds. 2) Boil to your desired strength. 3) Drink. 4) Pick grounds, dirt, and sticks out of your teeth.

    The Cowboy Coffee pros will pour it in a nalgene or similar closed container and swing it around, forcing the grounds to the bottom.

  2. I agree that this stuff is seriously terrible. I just bring instant grounds so I don't have to carry a percolator or french press (extra weight), and I will not be trading them in in favor of this crap, well, EVER.

  3. I have used Cool Brew (http://www.coolbrew.com/) for years. Love the stuff, it's not bitter. I still use cream though. For backpacking, I put it in reused energy shot bottles.

    Just saw the Starbuck's Via as another new alternative, haven't tried it though:

  4. I tried this stuff on the last trip I took because I had seen so many others in AOC using it. I didn't even bother using my second packet because it was horrible! I have a little french press thingy that goes in my jetboil, so I'll be bringing that with fresh ground goodness from now on.

  5. Interesting that you reviewed this today. Starbucks just nationally released their instant coffee Via today. I find irony in that and am not a Starbucks fan, but looks like REI is going to selling it. Huh.

  6. I just tried Starbuck's Via. Though I did put creamer, I didn't put sugar in it so I could taste the coffee (I know, I know, through the creamer). It made me want to stop putting sugar in my coffee. Not bad stuff. Still haven't tried the java juice, but I may search out the Via when I run out of Cool Brew. Cool Brew is still smoother.

  7. OK. I know, I'm obsessed. I did the little taste test today with the Starbuck's Via (mainly coz it meant I could get my coffee for free) and I failed! I picked the brewed coffee as the Via. Perhaps more discerning tongues could tell, and perhaps I should have waited and added cream, but to me, it's official. That stuff is dern good.
